Tuesday, July 31

Ti'Jean - London's Calling

Nice effort, Ti'Jean. Try again. Thanks. I apologize in advance to all the Ti'Jean fans.


  1. Hahaha there you go again! For someone who doesn't like this guy at all, why bother posting his videos? It's funny.

    Good thing though, since you like Chief Keef and ppl like that, I highly doubt he wants you as a fan.

    All good though - just checking to see if you still have hate. Still do. Enjoy your life home & blogging while he travels around world.

  2. And yes, he has passionate fans who have his back for bloggers like you. You are a part of the HipHop problem.

  3. Not going to go hard at you like this other person, but I would have to agree. Your taste in music displayed through your blog is really strange & no where else do you go so hard at other artists like you have for Tijean. Something is going on because Tijean is a great lyricist and you seem to like that in artists. Why not him all of a sudden?

    It does strike me as weird. But maybe you are one those weird bloggers who does not show your identity and yearns for attention. I only found your blog by searching for Tijean an it looks like only his fans comment on your post. So maybe you should be thankful to him. But I guess you are because you posted this video even though it is clear you do not like him. But you knew his fans would find this post. Smart marketing move but you look like an ass. And when he is famous, please do not change your turn and be like "Oh, now he's tight. I saw potential but now he's much better I support him" bull shit, ok?

  4. Hey guys, this is all just for fun. I put this video up because I got a lot of heat for comments I made about a previous Ti'Jean video that was filmed in Brazil (I love Brazil, if you couldn't tell). This was a bait video. Smart marketing? I guess you can call it that. I make no money off of this site, but eh. Was this me being an ass? Yes. It's funny how haters have haters. I just wanted to hate on Ti'Jean because he's an easy target. I have no personal vendetta against the guy as an artist. I'm just making a point about one man's thrash is another man's treasure. We all have different taste. And, I'm just here to say, "That's fine."

  5. Found your blog by chance looking for stuff about this artist for an article. Where are you blogger? Maybe I have your persmission to include your quotes about Ti'Jean in my article?

    1. Feel free to reference my quotes. I'm based out of NYC. I couldn't find much on Ti'Jean too. Weird, I know. Is this guy Haitian or something? Also, why are you writing an article on Ti'Jean? Is he that big a deal?

    2. Thanks a lot. I'm in NYC too, what a good coincidence. No, he's not a big deal yet but he will be in 2013. I'm writing an article about the upcoming hip-hop stars for next year. From my research you are very much in the minority with your feelings - everyone has a right to them of course. He has a loyal fan base (as you see from the comments on your blog) that is global & industry folks really like him a lot. I can say he will be a new star in 2013. If you post your email address here I will send when it is placed.

    3. You right, what a good coincidence. I find it hard to believe that Ti'Jean has a strong fan base. Call me crazy. How can you prove that industry folks like him? Who has he done a major feature with? I want to read your article when its finished so I can be in the 'know' of upcoming hip-hop stars for next year. All hate mail can be sent to bdauguste@gmail.com. Can't wait!

    4. Like you said, you have a "little unknown blog" - so your reaction is expected. I know because I freelance for XXL, Vibe, GlobalGrind, The Source, & have friends in the industry where we discuss what is going on & what we think is going to happen. This is the essence of the industry; having or trying to have a crystal ball and put out the next artist before others get a chance to beat you to the punch.

      Major features are not needed for people to like or notice a new artist.

      I will definitely email the article to you.

      Do not worry about hate mail, I doubt you will get many repeat visitors after people read your comments. I would offer some advice on your blog, but I doubt you would accept it. Good luck.

    5. I doubt my comments will turn off anybody outside of Ti'Jean's fan base. I would love advice concerning this blog. What direction should this blog be headed? All I know for fact is I love music. Period. I'm all ears.

  6. Easy target? Any artist could be an easy target, certainly ones that are not famous. Some of the artists you "fox" with here are not nearly as good as Ti'Jean. It's all about you wanting visitors, but you are repelling visitors - fans of you whom you lost. Again, the only comments on your blog are about this artist & yet you still hate. I do not believe that you listened to any other songs of his, but's neither here nor there at this point.

    Honestly, I think the only constant visitors you have are his fans visit your site to check if you are still an ass (self-proclaimed from your last reply). This time you did not disappoint.

    The problem we all seem to have with you is that you dismiss him as an artist completely. That is absolutely insane. Yes, I love Jay Z but he also has some songs & videos that I hate and think are bad. But his body of work is very good. And as a person who claims to love the genre, you do not explore and judge an artist off of two videos. Understand why people are mad at you who support this artist? This is how a loyal fanbase is built.

  7. I listened to Ti'Jeans mixtape and I was not impressed. I posted this "London's Calling" video up because I felt that the lyrics were aggressively weak and the production trash (100% basura). Can anybody educate me on why they like Ti'Jean? He has know swag or credibility. What does he stand for? What lane is he in? Garbage like this is whats killing Hip Hop. Not my little unknown blog. Ti'Jean is a poster boy for underwhelming "music", and I used that word lightly. Am I the only sane one here?

  8. I kind of miss Ti'Jean. He's been awfully quite as of late.
