Monday, January 18

Saturday, January 16

Thursday, January 14

Tuesday, January 12

Pray for them...

By JONATHAN M. KATZ, Associated Press Writer Jonathan M. Katz, Associated Press Writer – 8 mins ago
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – The Haitian capital has largely been destroyed in the most powerful earthquake to hit the country in more than 200 years. Journalists from The Associated Press describe severe and widespread casualties after a tour of streets where blood and bodies can be seen.

The damage is staggering even in a country accustomed to tragedy and disaster. AP reporters say the National Palace is a crumbled ruin and tens of thousands of people are homeless.

Many gravely injured people sit in the street, pleading for doctors many hours after the quake. In public squares thousands of people are singing hymns and holding hands.

The 7.0-magnitude quake struck at 4:53 p.m. Tuesday, leaving large numbers of people unaccounted for.

Sunday, January 10

Funny stuff...

Had me in tears...

Wednesday, January 6


Vampires Suck....

I have an early prediction for 2010. This whole vampire craze will die out come this fall. Believe that.